Daily living - Activity 9: Engaging with other people face to face
Activity 9 considers a claimant’s ability to engage with other people, which means to interact face-to-face in a contextually and socially appropriate manner, understand body language and establish relationships. As with all the other activities, a claimant is to be assessed as satisfying a descriptor only if they can do so reliably.
The descriptors for Activity 9 are -
- Can engage with other people unaided. 0 points
- Needs prompting to be able to engage with other people. 2 points
- Needs social support to be able to engage with other people. 4 points
- Cannot engage with other people due to such engagement causing either - (i) overwhelming psychological distress to the claimant; or (ii) the claimant to exhibit behaviour which would result in a substantial risk of harm to the claimant or another person. 8 points
Source: Part 2 of Schedule 1 to the Social Security (Personal Independence Payment) Regulations 2013 (SI.No.377/2013), and Part 2 of Schedule 1 to SR.No.217/2016 in Northern Ireland.
NB - in Scotland, adult disability payment is replacing personal independence payment and the descriptors are found in Part 2 of Schedule 1 to the Disability Assistance for Working Age People (Scotland) Regulations 2022 (SSI.No.54/2022).
Terms used in the PIP descriptors are defined in regulations and, in relation to Activity 9, are -
- “aid or appliance” - (a) means any device which improves, provides or replaces [the claimant's] impaired physical or mental function; and (b) includes a prosthesis;
- “prompting” means reminding, encouraging or explaining by another person;
- “psychological distress” means distress related to an enduring mental health condition or an intellectual or cognitive impairment;
- “social support” means support from a person trained or experienced in assisting people to engage in social situations;
- “unaided” means without - (a) the use of an aid or appliance; or (b) supervision, prompting or assistance.
Source: Regulation 2 of and Part 1 of Schedule 1 to the Social Security (Personal Independence Payment) Regulations 2013 (SI.No.377/2013), and regulation 2 of and Part 1 of Schedule 1 to SR.No.217/2016 in Northern Ireland.
See also DWP guidance on Activity 9 in section 2.3 of the Personal Independence Payment assessment guide for assessment providers.
NB - in Scotland, adult disability payment is replacing personal independence payment and the definitions are found in regulation 2 of and Part 1 of Schedule 1 to the Disability Assistance for Working Age People (Scotland) Regulations 2022 (SSI.No.54/2022). See also Social Security Scotland guidance in Daily living component activity 9 for ADP – engaging socially with other people face to face.
Case law
Commentary: In [2019] UKSC 34, an appeal against the Court of Session's judgment in [2017] CSIH 57, the Supreme Court considered whether social support needs to happen at the same time as the engagement with others, and whether prompting can also constitute social support. It finds that social support may be given before or during an activity, and that the nature of support might not differ between 'prompting' and 'social support', but that the difference is whether the support needs to come from someone 'trained or experienced in assisting people to engage in social situations'. Careful scrutiny is needed to decide whether someone meets that definition.
Although the expression ‘engage socially’ - defined as meaning: '(a) interact with others in a contextually and socially appropriate manner; (b) understand body language; and (c) establish relationships;' in Part 1 of Schedule 1 to the PIP regulations - does not appear anywhere in activity 9, or in fact anywhere in any other PIP activities, it has been accepted by the Supreme Court in [2019] UKSC 34 as helping to identify the factors that might be relevant when measuring a claimant’s ability to reliably engage wth people face to face. | Add commentary or suggest an edit.
Tribunal erred in making presumptions about PIP claimant’s ability to engage with people face to face based solely on skills exhibited in employment
- [2024] UKUT 410 (AAC)
- UA-2024-000665-PIP
- KW v Secretary of State for Work & Pensions (PIP)
Assistance needed to put on prescribed compression stockings counted for purposes of ‘managing therapy’ activity but not for purposes of ‘dressing and undressing’ activity
- [2024] UKUT 244 (AAC)
- UA-2024-000104-PIP
- CF v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions
Ability to establish a relationship when assessing ‘engaging with others’ PIP activity requires evidence of more than mere visits to shopping centres
- [2024] NICom 30
- C9/24-25(PIP)
- TC -v- Department for Communities (PIP)
Tribunals hearing PIP appeals must be cautious not to infer from a claimant’s ability to engage with others in a very specific context that they would be able to carry out that task in other contexts
- [2021] UKUT 216 (AAC)
- CPIP/1627/2020
- AC v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (PIP)
Interaction of activity 9 - engaging with other people face to face - and regulation 4(2A) - ability to carry out an activity reliably
- [2020] UKUT 186 (AAC)
- CPIP/1781/2019
- JT v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (PIP)
- Guidance to tribunals on application of activity 9
- [2019] UKUT 292 (AAC)
- CSPIP/208/2019
- SM v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (PIP)
Supreme Court rules that social support may be given before or during an activity, but that careful scrutiny is required to establish whether a person is trained or experienced in giving that support
- [2019] UKSC 34
- [2019] AACR 26
- Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (Appellant) v MM (Respondent) (Scotland)
To show that assistance qualifies as social support requires evidence as to nature, frequency and effect / established relationships do not need to be long term or regular
- [2018] EWCA Civ 851
- Hickey v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions
Engaging with others requires an ability to engage with adults as well as children and young people / ability to communicate by text is not relevant to PIP activity 9
- [2018] UKUT 56 (AAC)
- CPIP/2034/2017
- HA v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (PIP)
- Children may provide ‘prompting’ if their presence motivates a claimant to undertake PIP activities
- [2017] UKUT 502 (AAC)
- CPIP/2354/2017
- PM v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (PIP)
Engaging socially involves more than to be able to communicate; the interaction must be contextually and socially appropriate
- [2017] UKUT 454 (AAC)
- CPIP/1214/2017
- Secretary of State for Work and Pensions v AS (PIP)
Ability to establish a relationship when engaging with others requires evidence of more than mere reciprocation of exchanges
- [2017] UKUT 352 (AAC)
- CPIP/1127/2017
- RC v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (PIP)
Ability to understand body language and other visual cues is relevant when assessing whether a claimant with severe visual impairment can engage socially
- [2017] UKUT 244 (AAC)
- CPIP/3707/2016
- DV v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (CPIP)
Where a claimant satisfies a descriptor because they ‘cannot’ do something, then the ability to carry it out reliably does not apply
- [2017] UKUT 217 (AAC)
- CPIP/3656/2016
- AB v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (PIP)
Limits of tribunal’s inquisitorial role when assessing prescribed medication / mobility activity 2 and requirement to consider reasonable wishes of claimant to move around
- [2017] UKUT 154 (AAC)
- CPIP/3622/2016
- PM v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (PIP)
Ability to communicate by text is not relevant to PIP activity 7 / disability should be assessed in the context of normal daily life and not a self-imposed sheltered version
- [2017] UKUT 101 (AAC)
- CPIP/2306/2015
- EG v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (PIP)
Activity 9 tests the function of engaging one to one or within small groups, not engaging with a crowd or with others in a crowd
- [2017] UKUT 7 (AAC)
- CPIP/2983/2016
- AM v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (PIP)
Relevance of ESA case law on social engagement to PIP activity 9 / engaging socially does not require an ability to establish and develop friendships
- [2016] UKUT 573 (AAC)
- CPIP/2346/2016
- LS v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (PIP)
- Activity 9 refers to a claimant’s ability to engage in ‘social situations’
- [2016] UKUT 543 (AAC)
- CPIP/2685/2016
- SF v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (PIP)
Whether daily visits to the pub indicate an ability to engage with other people for the majority of the time
- [2016] UKUT 487 (AAC)
- CPIP/2523/2016
- HJ v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (PIP)
Meaning of ‘prompting’ and ‘social support’ in activity 9 / ‘Therapy’ in activity 3 needs to have a close link to treating or helping to cure an existing medical condition
- [2016] UKUT 276 (AAC)
- CPIP/3401/2015
- AH v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (PIP)
Claimant may be able to establish a need for prompting even if able to perform a specific task when there is impetus to do so
- [2016] UKUT 194 (AAC)
- CPIP/181/2016
- GG v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (PIP)
- Proper meaning of ‘prompting’ and ‘social support’ in activity 9
- [2016] UKUT 191 (AAC)
- CSPIP/35/2016
- Secretary of State for Work and Pensions v MMcK
- Overlap between ‘communication support’ (descriptor 7(c)) and ‘social support’ (descriptor 9(c))
- [2016] UKUT 160 (AAC)
- CPIP/2559/2015
- HB v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions
- Social support can be provided by family and friends for the purposes of descriptor 9(c)
- [2016] UKUT 147 (AAC)
- CPIP/3603/2015
- SL v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions
Anxiety may be the sole cause of verbal communication difficulties for the purposes of activity 7 albeit rarely / Meaning of ‘complex’ verbal or written information
- [2016] UKUT 8 (AAC)
- CPIP/2301/2015
- GJ v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions
Social support does not need to be given at time claimant engages with other people / Tribunal wrong to concentrate on PIP eligibility at date of decision rather than during required period of 12 months
- [2015] UKUT 584 (AAC)
- CPIP/1984/2015
- PR v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions
- Meaning of ‘engage with other people’ in activity 9, and its interaction with regulations 4 and 7
- [2015] UKUT 215 (AAC)
- UK/5205/2014
- Secretary of State for Work and Pensions v AM